
Soundwalking is the act of “a group focusing on listening whilst being lead in sil, ence through an everyday environment” (Drever, 2011, 1). This simple act has the potential to liberate and free an audience from the confines of a typical everyday setting. On a high street, for example, we are typically focussed on what we are doing and where we are walking, not really paying attention to what sounds and what conversations are happening around us creating the affect that “the urban situation can overwhelmingly hostile and alienating” (Drever, 2011, 1). The act of listening free’s us from our own world and the world of consumerism happening around us.

“Soundwalking acts as an ear-opener to the sonic dimension of the city, and helps re-priortize the auditory within the rich mix of urban design and the evolving paradigm of ecological urbanism.” (Drever, 2011, 4)

Drever, J. L. (2011) Soundwalking in the city: a socio-spatio-temporal sound practice. In: 5th International Symposium on Temporal Design, Sheffield, 21-22 July 2011, UK: Goldsmiths Research Online.

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