The Music Of Water

There is a large rainforest in Cameroon, central Africa, inhabited by people known as the Baka. They are hunter gatherers and are experts in forest life, living off the land as nature intended. They are known throughout Africa for their hunting, musical and dancing skills.

Music is an integral part to the lives of the Baka people, it is used to tell stories, important announcements and ritualistic purposes.

I was guided towards the Baka’s water drums, a technique used to create music by hitting water in certain ways. On face value it looks very simple but it takes years to learn how to create different tones and volumes using only water and their hands.

Our site specific performance centres around water and using water to create music is a unique and quite entrancing way of using water. We will not be using this in our piece as we cannot physically go in to the Brayford, but knowing about different ways people use water is helping us understand and appreciate our own ways of using it to live.

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