From the high street

As we have changed our piece to a mainly audio performance we have collected a range of sounds from the high street. For example, coffee shops, food chains, door bells and old fashioned till sounds to name a few. These sounds, we believe make up the high street but we want to put a twist on it. When we creating the rabbit hole idea we thought about using the sounds we recorded and warp them, therefore we would have some sort of control over the blindfolded audience member that we are leading around the space. When they entered the space they would hear a normal coffee shop and as the 15- 20 minutes continued the sounds would get more strange, as would the atmosphere. We would circle them round the room and possibly sit them down in intervals to further the confusion. All of this is will contribute to the theme to liberating the audience from the mundane nature of the high street.

When exploring this further and researching sound walking I found that in 2001 Traux found that, “’listening in search’ as a form of analytical listening, where the individuals focussed upon hearing sounds relating to their activity.” (Davis, 2009, 18). We want people to be ‘listening in search to this experience, to explore a deeper sense of what the high street actually means.

Davis, W. (2009) Research into the Practical and Policy Applications of Soundscape Concepts and Techniques in Urban Areas. Research into the Practical and Policy Applications of Soundscapes Concepts and Techniques in Urban Areas. 18.

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